
Statement on the recent aggression of Ukraine

The advisory board of MECO and the organisers of MECO47 are shocked by the actions of the leadership of Russia against Ukraine – a MECO member. This act of violence goes against the values and aspirations of Europe’s scientists who, with the creation of MECO in 1974, sought to overcome the iron curtain that divided Eastern and Western countries.

The invasion of a free country is a brutal attack on the freedom of all nations, communities, and individuals. MECO’s aim is to enable scientific freedom for the academic community as an essential part of peaceful cooperation between countries. Academic freedom is only possible by respecting national freedom. The advisory board therefore calls on the academic community worldwide to maintain and support these values by condemning the actions of Russia’s leadership and calling for withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine with immediate effect.

The MECO Advisory Board
The MECO47 Local Organisers

Welcome to the International Conference MECO47

Since 1974, the Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics has been a yearly itinerant event focusing on Statistical Physics and all its multifaceted applications, ranging from biology to finance, from quantum systems to computer science. During its long history, the MECO Conference has been an opportunity for collaboration for scientists from the East and the West of Europe despite the difficulties created by the iron curtain, and it keeps being an appointment not to be missed for statistical physicists from all around the world.

After the unusual circumstances of the previous edition, the 47th edition of the MECO conference will be a hybrid event that will take place in the beautiful historic town of Erice, in Sicily, on June 12-16, 2022. 

The conference

The conference will have contributions covering different topics of statistical physics, in particular
  • Out-of-equilibrium dynamics;
  • Quantum many-body systems;
  • Disordered systems, neural networks, and inference;
  • Interdisciplinary applications (complexity, networks, and applications to biological, social, and economic systems).
The conference will consist of eight 40' keynote talks and a series of long talks (18' for presentation followed by 2' for Q&A) and of short talks (13' for the presentation followed by 2' for Q&A).
Two in-person poster sessions will be complemented by an online session which will take place on GatherTown.

Important note 

All the in-situ participants have to comply with the public health regulations in place in Italy at the time of the conference. This is a necessary condition to access the venue and the restaurants. We strongly suggest that participants arrange their own Covid-19 insurance policy against travel disruptions.



Supported by


Local Organising Committee

Silvia Bartolucci
University College London

Laura Foini
CNRS IPhT Université Paris-Saclay

Gabriele Sicuro
King's College London

Pierpaolo Vivo
King's College London

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