Abstracts > In-person poster sessionsIn-person poster session - Monday [1] Gabriel Apolinário
A dynamical model of the turbulent energy cascade
[2] Niccolò Zagli
Critical phenomena and Response Theory for the thermodynamic limit of noisy multi-agent systems
[3] Francesca Mignacco
The effective noise of stochastic gradient descent
[4] Daniele Tantari
Modelling Time-Varying Interactions in Complex Systems: the Score-Driven Kinetic Ising Model
[5] Manuel Saenz
Marginals of a spherical spin-glass model with correlated disorder
[6] Rafael Diaz Hernandez Rojas
Jamming of Hard-Spheres through the Lens of Constrained Optimization
[7] Bertrand Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine
Random landscape built by superposition of random plane waves
[8] Giovanni Piccioli
Aligning random graphs with a sub-tree similarity message passing
[9] Pedro Harunari
Inferences from Statistics of a Few Observable Transitions
[10] Enrico Malatesta
Phase transition of the geometrical landscape of solutions in overparametrized neural networks
[11] Alessandro Ingrosso
Data-driven emergence of convolutional structure in neural networks
[12] Milan Žukovič
Gibbs Markov random fields based on a generalized planar rotator model for spatial data prediction
[13] Michael Olesik
The visual brain seen through the lens of a deep neural network
[14] Máté Józsa
Investigating brain wiring by simple statistical models
[15] Bulcsú Sándor
Self-organized hexapod locomotion via phase locked neural oscillators
[16] Miha Srdinsek
Rényi entanglement entropy in complex quantum systems
[17] Saptarshi Majumdar
BKT transition in open quantum systems
[18] Mariia Mohylna
Influence of single-ion anisotropy on stability of skyrmion lattice phase in a frustrated triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
[19] Xhek Turkeshi
Universal behavior beyond multifractality in measurement-induced phase transitions
In-person poster session - Wednesday [1] Konstantin Zloshchastiev
Statistical mechanics with non-Hermitian Hamiltonian operators and its applications
[2] Chiara Cecilia Maiocchi
Decomposing the dynamics of the Lorenz 1963 model using unstable periodic orbits: averages, transitions, and quasi-invariant sets
[3] Adriano Angelone
Quantum criticality via conventional and data-mining approaches
[4] Benjamin Walter
First detection times in many-body quantum systems
[5] Titas Chanda
Non-adiabatic dynamics across a first-order quantum phase transition: quantized bubble nucleation
[6] Giuliano Chiriacò
Dissipative Floquet dynamics and measurement induced criticality in trapped-ion chains
[7] Francesco Parisen Toldin
Boundary criticality of the 3d O(N) model: from normal to extraordinary
[8] Michal Rončík
Transverse-field Ising model with a negative thermal expansion
[9] Flavio Nicoletti
Low energy linear excitation modes of Mean-Field Spin Glasses
[10] Francesco Chippari
Low-temperature dynamics of the Potts model in the large q limit
[11] Vittoria Sposini
Single trajectory spectral analysis as a criterion of anomalous diffusion
[12] Francesco Mori
Resetting in stochastic optimal control
[13] Samudrajit Thapa
Non-equilibrium probability currents in optically driven colloidal suspensions
[14] Matteo Ciardi
Superfluidity in quasicrystalline geometries
[15] Achille Mauri
Scale without conformal invariance in the statistical mechanics of two-dimensional crystalline membranes
[16] Lara Koehler
Self-assembly of fibers understood with renormalization
[17] Szabolcs Kelemen
Wealth inequalities in different socio-economical situations. Exhaustive data and a general modelling framework
[18] Shengfeng Deng
Critical synchronization dynamics on power-grids
[19] Attila Gergely
Oscillation and synchronization of diffusion flames in a hydrodynamic approach
[20] Pratik Mullick
Experimental analysis of self-organising patterns in crossing flows of pedestrians: Detection of stripes |
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